Thursday, October 14, 2010

50 Dos and Don'ts for Contact Lenses

I found a sheet of paper in the contact lens room that we give to our contact lens patients. It offers a lot of helpful tips on how to handle the fragile little lenses. Let's just jump right into the list-

1. Do - Follow your eye doctor's instructions and call the clinic if you have any questions

2. Don't - Wear the lenses if they have suddenly or consistently become uncomfortable

3. Do - Schedule follow up visits if you need them

4. Don't - Wear the lenses if you notice a chip or tear in the lens

5. Do - Follow the wearing time schedule as prescribed by the optometrist

6. Don't - Exceed the wearing schedule by over wearing lenses during adjustment periods

7. Do - Throughly wash, rinse and dry hands before handling lenses

8. Don't - Wear lenses all day if you haven't worn contacts in a few days

9. Do - Clean your lenses after wear and before storage to avoid build up of tough protein deposits and oily films that are hard to remove

10. Don't - Roughly handle lenses, they are made from delicate materials

11. Do - Be careful when cleaning lenses as they can easily be damaged

12. Don't - Touch contacts with fingernails (this is the primary reason contacts get damaged)

13. Do - Use fresh solution each night in the storage case

14. Don't - Insert lenses over an open sink. A dropped lens will look exactly like a water droplet

15. Do - Rinse storage case wells out with warm tap water, then with saline after each use and let the case air dry

16. Don't - Move if a lens is dropped. A wet lens can stick to just about anything

17. Do - Sit or stand near a counter when inserting contacts so they won't fall on the floor if dropped

18. Don't - Pick up a dropped lens with a fingernail or push it along a rough surface to lift it. Dampen your finger and the lens will stick to it

19. Do - Re-clean lenses that have dropped on the floor or your clothes

20. Don't - Switch to a heat cleaning system after using a chemical cleaning system (and vise versa)

21. Do - Ask your doctor about how to make the transition between cleaning systems safely, without damaging soft lenses

22. Don't - Use any other kind of solutions other than what is prescribed by your optometrist. Even ask an eye doctor before switching brands

23. Do - Close the drain if near a sink or bathtub

24. Don't - Use different brands of solution at the same time

25. Do - Wear eye protection with contact lenses for sports and activities to avoid serious injury or trauma

26. Don't - Touch the solution bottle tip to the inside of a lens or case. It will contaminate the solution

27. Do - Avoid hairspray or aerosols

28. Don't - Try to wear a soft lens that was left out of the solution or has become brittle. Put the lens back in the solution for at least two hours

29. Do - Apply hairspray or other aerosol products before inserting contact lenses. A lens that gets spray on it is uncomfortable and hard to clean

30. Don't - Wet lenses by putting them in your mouth (this has seriously happened before)

31. Do - Stay away from harmful vapors and fumes

32. Don't - Use tap water on soft lenses. Only use saline or solutions for rinsing

33. Do - Wear eye protection in dusty environments

34. Don't - Overfill storage cases. A lens can float to the top and get stuck where the lid closes or snaps

35. Do - Use caution when adjusting to temperature swings

36. Don't - Put eye drops like Murine or Visine in your eyes while you are wearing contacts

37. Do - Hold back eye lashes when inserting a contact to make it easier to put it in

38. Don't - Force apart a folded contact lens. Put solution or saline and gently massage the lens

39. Do - Keep a kit of essentials (case, solution, saline) with you at all times

40. Don't - Rub lenses with towel, tissue or shirt tail

41. Do - Apply cosmetics after inserting contacts, including lotions, foundation, mascara and eye shadow

42. Don't - Wear lenses if you have a cold of the flu

43. Do - Remove contacts before swimming or showering. Water will flush out the contact

44. Don't - Leave contacts near TVs, in glove compartments, window sills or other areas that can warm up. It will warp the lenses

45. Do - Wear eye protection when riding in a convertible car

46. Don't - Sleep in lenses without doctors approval

47. Do - Use water soluble cosmetics. Waterproof mascara is difficult to remove from contact lenses

48. Don't - Use deodorant or cold creme soaps. they leave greasy residues on hands and lenses

49. Do - Apply eyeliner below the lash line. Otherwise, it will block a tear glad that makes contact wear more comfortable

50. Don't - Use eye lash thickeners or lengthener. They contain additives that contaminate lenses

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