Many patients often ask why they need a yearly eye exam. The contact lens patients also ask why they need to get yearly contact lens fittings. The reason is very simple: Optometrists recommend it for your health. The eyes are an important sense to the body and making sure they are healthy and staying healthy is very important.
I tell people to think of it like going in for an annual physical, specifically for the eyes. Even if you don't notice any
vision problems, and get a clean bill of eye health, it is reassurance that nothing is starting to form in the background. As for why contact lens patients need to keep getting a yearly fitting, that is tied in back to the health of the eye. Since eyes are one of the fastest changing parts of the body, people might change types of contact brands a number of times as materials get better or eye change. The main concern is that the eye is getting enough oxygen to stay healthy as contacts have the potential to act as an oxygen barrier.
There are possibly a 1001 reason why eye exams are so important, but they all come back to making sure that you have wonderful vision and any problems can be treated early on before they manifest themselves into something that requires serious, emergency attention. Diseases like Glaucoma, Macular Degeneration and Cataracts can be managed a lot easier and better if they are caught soon enough, and only eye exams will be able to show the warning signs of those sight robbers.
If you want to see the list of important yearly exams everyone should get, the popular TV show The Doctors recommends eye exams and a few other exams to keep a clean bill of health.
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